Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas Crafting

Joy received the Jesse Tree ornaments I made her for Christmas in the mail today (I gave them to her on Christmas morning lacking the final step--appliqued but not sewn into their final, pillow-like form, and asked for them back (eek!) so I could finish them off). I mailed them on Saturday, and they arrived! Woo hoo! So, now I feel like I can show you the final "product" without giving away the fun of her seeing them first. :)

Here they are...

I actually have a couple more to upload (there are 28 in all), including a couple of my favorites. I love, loved, LOVED working on them. It was so sweet to be able to rehearse the Gospel as I made them and to think of my SWEET sister while I sewed. :) As I was telling someone the other day (because it still blesses and amazes me after growing up with 2 brothers and no sisters), she's known me over half my life. What a gift to me!


Joy said...

The pictures don't do them justice as they have so many little wonderful details! I am so excited to be the owner of these little ornaments as they will share Christ with our little ones and many other generations to come!!! Thank you is not enough dear sis!

Stef said...

Your ornaments are wonderful!!

JayLeigh said...

Your ornaments are wonderful! You did such a good job. What an incredible gift to give your sister.